Nederlands English

Praktijk Suzanne Janssen - Luisterkind, natuurgeneeskunde, NEI, Trainer Hormoonfactor Coach Nijmegen en omgeving

Child in Mind – Listening on a Deeper Level

“How you put it into words… Wow! And YES, this is exactly the way it feels. Beautiful!!! Exáctly like thís. How do you “know” that? I thank you so much. I have read it a couple of times now and it dives really deep. Wow!’

Would you like to take a step deeper? Then Child in Mind may be that what you are looking for! With the Child in Mind method I engage in a conversation with you or your child on a deeper level. This happens on an energetical level, so you don’t need to be physically present. This is called an ‘attunement’: in the energy I tune in on you or you child and communicate with you. You could call it communication on soul level. In the conversation I take into account the questions that you have for your child or yourself. In this way, you can get answers on a deeper level and give words to what is going on. This is formed into written text and is sent to you. You not only gain more insight, specific answers and tools to deal with the situation from your own inner wisdom, sometimes changes can be made during the attunement as well.

Child in Mind Praktijk Suzanne Janssen Nijmegen en omgeving

The Child in Mind method

The Child in Mind method – in Dutch ‘Luisterkind’, from the words ‘luisteren’ = to listen and ‘kind’ = child –  is for everybody, both for grown-ups and children. As an adult you can ask for an attunement for all the questions you have in life: if you feel stuck in something, when you would like to have more insight, for unclarified physical complaints etc. As a parent you can also ask for an attunement. Children often show via their behaviour, body or emotions that ‘something’ is going on. As a parent you often don’t know what is exactly the matter. Your child is too young or is simply not able to put into words what it is bothered by. Try to figure out what’s causing the problem then! In situations like this, a Child in Mind attunement can offer help to get clarity why your child is showing a certain kind of behaviour and  what it needs.It is often used for example sleeping problems, bedwetting, anti-social behaviour, problems at school, cry babies etc.

Applying for an attunement

You can ask for an attunement by sending an email. I will send you an email with an accompanying letter with more information, what you can expect from an attunement and what not. To be able to make an attunement I will ask you for a description of the situation and the questions you have for yourself or for your child, and a picture. If your child is older than 10 years old, it has to give permission for the attunement.